Monday, January 14, 2013

Cooking with the Kents!

Kristopher and the boys, plus the new puppy Jazzy, all came for a visit yesterday. I said great, now you can show me how to make smoked salmon and make the new Mac and Cheese recipe we were given from a nice little restaurant here in town. He went to work and got the salmon ready with lemon and than put on a blend of salt, pepper, garlic, onion powder, cumin, paprika, and cayenne pepper with a dash of brown sugar. He patted the mixture all over the fish. The smoker was hot and smoking with the wet hickory chips, and ready for the salmon. Two hours later, it was done perfectly. In the meantime, he got the mac and cheese going. 

Pour a pint of heavy cream in to pot and than add 4 different cheeses. Cheddar, provolone, mozzarella, and Parmesan. Heat until it is all melted and thickened. You can just add the macaroni to the cheese mixture and eat it like that, or put in a baking dish, add crumbs and sprinkle over the mac and cheese. Bake it for 10 minutes and it is dinnertime!   

The cheese mixture

The macaroni 

The macaroni with the cheese mixture

Ritz crackers and Parmesan 

Sprinkling on the crackers


It was going fast! (Had a little bit of leftovers)

Yep, mom loves it

So now you ask me, where are the salmon pictures? Well, let me tell you. While Kris was smoking the fish and making the mac and cheese, I was feeding Jaden his jar of baby peas and applesauce. I kind of forgot to take even one picture of the fish. Maybe because we were trying to keep the baby from chewing on the firewood kindling and keeping the puppy from stealing and chewing on a jigsaw puzzle piece. It wasn't like Kris and I were sitting down in the 2 recliners chatting about stuff...Oh wait, I think we were. While Colton and Joey were getting rid of their m&m sugar rush. Yeah, I think we were too pooped to care. We just watched as they ran around and around and around. Click below. 

But let me tell you, the salmon was the best you will ever find anywhere. Kris is a great cook. The mac and cheese has the best flavor. You really need to give it a try. Experiment on the amounts of the cheeses. What do you think? Look good? 


  1. OMG, I have mac and cheese recipe I make from ex-mother-in-law, but this one looks far superior. Think I might try it tonight. Looks delicious!.

    1. It was the best I've ever had. I think it is the heavy cream and Parmesan that did it for But be sure to use all of the above. I think next time I'm not going to bake it, as I like my mac and cheese saucier and baking it makes it thicker. Just depends on how you like yours. With the leftovers, I just added some half and half and heated in the micro. It came out perfect.
