Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hey there, Hi there, Ho there!

Been busy with this and that. So hello to all my blogging  friends. Did you miss me? What is today? Wednesday already? I need a day off doing nothing. Friday I did errands in town, wash, dinner and more wash. Saturday I can't even remember what I did, but it was probably something productive at home. We did go out to dinner though. 

Sunday was Costco day, and that is always fun. I am probably one of the few people who enjoy going there. Came home and made a Costco cooked chicken dinner. They are so good and less work for me. 

Monday my sister in law Chris came over for a few days. She is such a big help to me with my mom. We got out for a few hours at the casino and had dinner at the buffet. Yeah for me, I felt like I was on vacation.

Than yesterday, Tuesday, we took my mom to lunch at Applebees and to the mall to get her some winter clothes. New blue coat, a pink fleece jacket, Cuddleduds, new fleece jammies, and 3 pairs of warmer pants. Oh, and 3 new electric throws from Costco. She wears the heat out of them every 6 months. They just stop heating up. So I think she is all set on her winterizing.

Last night was Taco night and a yummy Costco apple pie with ice cream. And more wash...I even started my new book last night around 11 pm..I was exhausted from shopping at the mall. I love online shopping, especially Amazon. Hello Christmas shopping online. 

Today is Rod's day off, so we are going out to do whatever we want to do. Chris said we need to get out alone. She didn't have to twist my arm. I think the Spaghetti Factory is in my vision for our dinner date tonight. So in a nutshell, that is where and what I've been up to the past few days. Nothing earth shattering, but that is how I like it. 


  1. I MISSED you. ! I even said so. :) This sounds like my daily life. Never ending laundry, chore chores chores, groceries and cooking, oh by the way I made your chicken parmesan last night and it was a BIG hit with all three men. Can't wait to see you again. Any special plans or guests for Thanksgiving?

    1. Thanks, Lisa...It is nice to be missed. I just couldn't find any me time to sit and blog. The next few days will be less busy. But we got a ton of stuff done this week...Glad that your men liked the chicken. Did you find the bag of chicken some place other than Costco?
